Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just a Thought...

One of my ideas for a potential Junior Theme topic, which I'm not going to do, was to focus on Internet Privacy.  I kind of already wrote a blog about it which can be found here. But I think that it's a really interesting topic.  Why is it that people feel so free to post anything that they want on the Internet? My friend Zoe is in a movie that comes out April 1 called Trust, the trailer can be found here. It is the story of a teenage girl who meets a person via the Internet.  I won't spoil the story, but let's just say that the person on the other end of the Internet relationship doesn't turn out to be who she thinks its going to be.  The Internet is a dangerous place, people need to put up as many precautions and forms of protection as possible.  It's unbelievable how quickly the Internet has become a tool for getting to know someone.  You think you know someone at school, you check out their Facebook page and suddenly you're not sure if you're even looking at the right person.

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