Saturday, March 19, 2011

Junior Theme Part 1

This past week is the week that we started the overwhelming and dreaded Junior Theme.  The project that my friends in other classes have been complaining about year, the huge grade for the quarter, the thing that I will be spending a majority of my time on for the next month. And despite all of the negative that Junior Theme connotes, I'm excited to take it on.

I'm not going to lie, I was weary starting off because we were given almost no guidelines.  There was no list of topics, not even a list of books to choose from.  All I had to go on was the idea that my Junior Theme had to connect to the United States.  It had to be a current issue, but had to be relatable to the past.  I had no clue where to start. I went back through my notes, found some good "why" questions, but none that I felt that I could write a big paper on, nor that I would want to spend a month combing through research on.

So on our first day of "research" in the library, I went through the book carts looking for any book that sounded interesting to me.  I landed on a topic that I never would have thought I would want to do.  The book I found is called Richistan by Robert Frank.  It is a non-fiction book, but it looked fascinating to me.  It is about how people have become instantly rich in this country.  From the summary that I read, it compares the idea of new money with old money, and why people are getting rich, and the levels of relative "richness." I'm excited to get started.

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