Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Diptych

I'm not a very creative person, but I decided to attempt to create my own diptych using images from the Internet.  In AIS this week, one of the things we did in class was to look at a diptych by Josiah Priest.  (A diptych is two pictures side-by-side).  One side of his diptych was captioned, "THE NEGRO IN HIS OWN COUNTRY" and the other "THE NEGRO IN AMERICA."  In class we made observations, inferences based on the observations, and then we justified our thinking based on observations.  I had a lot of fun coming up with inferences and then proving them with Priest's diptych, and I think it's fascinating to to try and figure out what the artist was thinking when creating the diptych.  So I thought I would try diptychs from the other side and try to be the creator...  I chose my images carefully, so hopefully my point comes across!

Right above this is my diptych.  If you can't read it, the title at the bottom says "my seasons."

Here is the diptych that we looked at in class by Josiah Priest.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn,

    Good idea to make your own diptych! Your diptych is really interesting. You title it 'my seasons', which in the Chicagoland area, we have all four seasons, but you portray that you have only two. The first one looks like it is summer, with the beach and the second is a school related picture. What is really interesting to me is that the picture of summer is darker, and looks more depressing. Normally I feel like we refer to summer as the bright, happy season, which in the diptych is what the second season, the school season, is portraying.

    I think this sort of shows school as a comfort zone. School is a place that, as much as we complain, we are accustomed to in our society. Ever since first grade, we go through full days, five days a week, for about nine months of the year. Yes, we all love summer, but we are used to school, we have made friends throughout schooling and school becomes a huge part of our young lives.
